Monday, January 28, 2013


Win FREE Seattle's Best Coffee!

This makes me a little sad, because I can't drink coffee right now due my chronic illness, but my boyfriend still loves it, so I entered this one for him.

There will 10,000 winners of free coffee for the Seattle's Best Coffee Groundhog Day Contest, which makes it so worth entering!  Head on over to their Facebook today to enter!

Some coffee-inspired awesomeness to check out while you wait for Phil to show his face:

Do you think the groundhog is going to show his shadow?


  1. Hey there!! Here's Ichigoshortcake from swapbot letting you know that im popping over to say hi!!

    QUICK Follow my Blog swap! #2

  2. which makes it so worth entering! best espresso machines reviews Head on over to their Facebook today to enter!
