Saturday, January 26, 2013


Healthy Freebie: Vplenish Vitamin Boost

I always say, "If it's free, it's for me," but the truth is, it's not always.  I have to skip out on a lot of really yummy looking freebies because of my strict diet and health conditions, and it's really a bummer!  Today's my lucky day, though - FREE VITAMINS!  

Check this out: Vplenish is a vitamin powder that you put into anything that gives you vitamins and supposedly has no taste!  We'll see about that once I get the sample (spoiler: there will be a review), but hey, it's the future, anything can happen.

Boost me, bro!

To get your own sample in the mail, head on over to and order one up.  Let me know what you think once you get it!

Do you take vitamins?  Why or why not?  What do you think of Vplenish?


  1. Hi Alex,
    I'm here from the Quick Follow My Blog Swap #2. I enjoyed browsing through your blog. I always love deals and freebies!

    1. Awesome, thanks! Come back again for more deals :)

  2. Hi there! I love deals and freebies :) I'm SilverHealer from the Quick Follow My Blog Swap #2!
